Battle Plan | Benevolence Tracker Information
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Every day in America, people across the nation reach out to their local churches for help. While many of these needs are legitimate, there are those that routinely abuse the system. To make matters worse, churches haven’t had a network that would allow for them to communicate with others in their local, state, and national communities across denominational lines.


Benevolence Tracker is a network that provides real-time information within its system to member churches regarding the actions taken on behalf of those
requesting aid. The actions taken by the Member Churches are shared throughout the system while their identity remains private.


  • Simple and Easy to Use
  • Accountability for staff, community, and denomination
  • Detects and Deters fraud
  • Provides communication across denominational and geographical lines
  • Priced so low that all churches can participate regardless of size


  • In 2016, $122.94 billion was given to religious organizations
  • Millions of those dollars are exposed to fraud every year.
  • Benevolence Tracker is the ONLY product designed for churches that provides accountability while detecting and deterring fraud across denominational and geographical lines.


The process is simple. In order to receive aid, individuals are required to provide basic information about themselves and their need. This information is entered in the BT system, and matches are generated based on search criteria. The search will show any activity previously taken on behalf of the individual or request. The church is then able to make an informed decision on whether to provide aid or not.


Benevolence Tracker is a Membership-based network that functions through a yearly subscription. We have two payment options:

  • Monthly Installments- $19.99/mo
  • One time yearly- $179.88 (25% savings compared to monthly installments which comes to $14.99/mo or $60 savings yearly)

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