Battle Plan | Resources
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Home and Family
Children Safety

  • Establish safe word with child – no one is allowed to transport or direct child to leave location, class, etc. without confirming safe word.
    • Must not be shared or known, once used it should be changed.
    • See “Hostage and Kidnapping” tab
  • Children should know:
    • Full name
    • Phone numbers
    • When and how to call 9-1-1
    • How to contact alternate trusted adult
    • Doors remain locked
    • If at left alone, the child (appropriate age) must never tell anyone they are home alone whether being asked by someone at the door or on the phone.
    • How to take action in an emergency, and where to go in case of emergency. (i.e., fire, home invasion, stranger, inappropriate contact, etc.)
  • Safe Haven for Kids

Home Invasion and Personal Protection in the Home

  • Personal Safety Seminar
  • Tactics / Awareness / Safety
  • Safe Rooms
    • Key goal of safe room is to buy time and protect until Law Enforcement can arrive.
      • Immediately go to safe room in emergency or home invasion
      • Should have only one door
      • Quickly accessible to all family members
      • Master Bedrooms and second floor rooms good candidates
    • Safe Room should be stocked with emergency items:
      • Cell Phone
      • Flashlights (two is one, and one is none)
      • Extra car keys – allows you to set off car alarm as additional notification to neighbors of emergency
      • Door peephole – for identification of threat or police
      • Security system control unit
      • Home defense weapon(s)

Hostage and Kidnapping

  • Awareness
    • Levels of Awareness
      • White – Oblivious of your surroundings
      • Yellow – Aware of your surroundings
      • Orange – Heightened state of awareness
      • Red – Fight or Flight
      • Black – State of Panic or Disconnect
    • Weapons – level of self defense training
    • We never go to a secondary crime scene!
      • Fight or Flight (options)
      • Here and Now – Do what you can when you can
      • Do not succumb to threats
        • “Get in the car or I will hurt _____________”
        • “Don’t scream or I will kill/ hurt your ______________”

Threat and Risk Assessment

  • Fundamental components:
    • Access
      • Purposefully direct flow or access ( without causing fire hazard – limit outside access in order to funnel any possible threats to your greatest area of protection and strongest defendable location
    • People
      • Those individuals you rely on for advise, counsel, and physical protection.
    • Plans
      • There is NO substitute for preplanning…better to have and not need, than to need and not have!

New Hire Packet and Policies/Church Standards and Policies

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Pornography Policy
  • Pedophile Policy
  • Background Policy
  • Social Media Policy
  • Felon Policy
  • Benevolence Policy
  • Phone Policy
  • Disciplinary Action Policy
  • Security Policy
  • Safety Policy
  • Visitor Policy
  • Property Usage Policy (usage of church facilities)
  • Driving Policy (proper license/texting/phone usage/age/ etc.)

Pornography Policy and Resources
Pedophile Policy and Procedures

Benvolence Tools

Emergency Management

  • Emergency Management Plan (EMP)
    • Emergency Management Plan only as good as the last drill.
    • It is always best to consider the worst-case scenario in emergency management planning.
  • Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  • Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
    • Readiness
    • Response
    • Recovery
  • Evacuation Plans
    • Without preplanning this event’s success is greatly reduced
    • Agreement and understanding with local emergency response
      • Law enforcement – allow them the opportunity to do a walk through or train in the case of emergency or active shooter event
      • Hospitals and ambulance service for relationship in the event of mass casualty event whether natural of terrorist in nature.
    • Drills – Do your members participate in drills, or have knowledge of your church’s policy or Emergency Response Policy (ERP)?
    • EMP/ ERP in policy/ employee handbook
      • Available and understood by staff/volunteers/membership
      • Emergency Action and Recovery Plans

Disaster Recovery

  • Disaster recovery (DR) involves a set of policies and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster.

Incident Reports

Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
Fire Prevention
First Aid/CPR/AED

Mass Casualty Checklist
ALERRT Research - Active Shooter Events

  • Battle Plan is certified to provide CRASE (Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events) training developed by ALERRT…the national standard
  • Active Shooter Events –
  • Training and equipment implications and Research

Safety and OSHA in Houses of Worship
Legal Resources
Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Based Clients

Pastoral Resources and Care

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