Battle Plan | Portfolio Categories Coming Soon
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08 Apr Benevolence Tracker Premium

Coming soon! Benevolence Tracker Premium will integrate our already effective and successful Benevolence Tracker system with additional features like background check accessibility at the click of a button, information and statistics from churches across the network, and many other exciting new features!...

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08 Apr Battle Plan Conference

Our Battle Plan Conferences are clearly engineered events hosted by regional church leadership, denominational groups, and universities.  These events combine our unique background and professional perspective in the military, law enforcement, and security industries to areas of interest for different audiences within the church.  Our tailored events are designed...

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08 Apr Battle Plan Pastors Conference

Battle Plan is excited to introduce a ground breaking event, coming soon to an area near you!  Unlike our other Battle Plan Conferences, this event is designed specifically for pastors, clergy, and church staff.  As with our other conferences, we integrate the idea of exposing these leaders...

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