Battle Plan | Portfolio Categories Services
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07 Apr Discreet Investigation

In a perfect world this service would not exist, but, unfortunately, our investigation services was developed based on demand and need.  Churches encounter a variety of attacks.  While problems might be expected from those outside the church, it is even more devastating when the infraction...

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07 Apr Conflict Resolution

We have been in the business of resolving problems and conflicts since the early 90’s, and have been successful in a variety of environments.   We strive to provide unconventional services to churches, so that solutions can be found quickly enough to mitigate long term, irreparable...

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07 Apr Resource Management

Resource management is simply the efficient and effective deployment and allocation of an organization’s resources when and where they are needed.  At Battle Plan, we recognize that the Church is unique to any other entity on the planet, however, in many cases, from an organizational...

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07 Apr Consulting

At Battle Plan, we strive to provide services and resources to the church that allow you to lay your own foundations, and set your own programs and perimeters in the areas of security and safety.  However, we know from experience that some often need specific...

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